The Team

Stepan Luyshanov

Stepan Luyshanov

Digital Marketing Manager


Responsible for digital visibility of the company. I build and realize Social Media, Influence Marketing, Digital PR, and Direct marketing campaigns. My tasks include increasing sales and building brand awareness through digital communication channels, working regularly to increase performance, offering and conducting A/B tests.

About Me

Favorite Hobby: Gaming, traveling, gym, street culture and rock vocal

Favourite place in the world: Phi-Phi Islands

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Costa Rica

Favourite season: Summer

Favourite type of cuisine: Pan-Asian cuisine

Job wanted as a kid: Rock Star

Childhood nickname: Creo

Favourite quote: "With my head in the clouds, never looking down I'll never stop until the world knows my name"

Coffee order: Orange juice with cup of espresso (inside) please

Bucket list (Top 3):
  • Perform on the rock festival stage
  • Learn Greek
  • Trip through Latin America